Diákok véleményei

Gabi makes learning Magyarul fun, using different techniques and methods so that we were always interested. It is not easy coming from a simple English background and Gabi helped us through this transition so that we could go to the market, order at restaurants and survive in Hungary.” Tim and Antonia (New Zealand)


Gabi is a fantastic teacher and makes one of the world’s most challenging languages seem entirely manageable.


Gabi is the perfect teacher to work with to build a foundation in written and spoken Hungarian.  After a few months of lessons, I was carrying out my daily interactions in Budapest in Hungarian; after a year of work, I was certified as an intermediate-level speaker. Charlie (USA)


Voltál diákom?

Segítenél Gabi jövendő diákjainak képet kapni arról, hogyan, miben tud majd segíteni nekik a nyelvtanulásban? Küldd el megjegyzéseidet, véleményedet a kapcsolat-oldalon keresztül, illetve a Facebook rajongói oldalára is postázhatod azokat.